Avis de cet utilisateur


Avis: Reseau Baise = Arnaque

Bonjour, le cabinet Aeur witte thiel me relance toutes les semaines depuis avril avec des mails toujours différents et plus menaçants (bien que le numéro de dossier soit jamais le même....).
voici le dernier dois je m'inquieter ?

As you are aware, we represent the legal interests of the company dateyard AG, Rothusstrasse 23, CH-6331 Hünenberg.
We have written to you on several occasions in the past requesting you to pay our client's open claims. So far, however,
you have failed to pay in full the amounts owed. You have also failed to terminate the contract concluded with our client, so
that, since notice has not been given, the agreement has been extended and then again extended, as stipulated in the

We have consolidated the previous claims into a single case. You currently own a total amount of EUR 384,70.

We call upon you to pay this amount immediately, by 30.06.2018 at the latest however, into our account shown below, stating
case number 31118229088.

Please note that our client will not waive this not inconsiderable amount and, following the consolidation of balances that
has now taken place, you must also anticipate that the claim will be enforced through the courts.

We can therefore only urgently recommend that you settle the amount currently outstanding as soon as possible.
Should you be unable to pay the claim in a single amount, it might be possible to arrange payment by instalments. This
requires however that you make a concrete proposal on instalments within the above deadline. Any agreements made in
the past on part-payments are no longer valid.

Pour un paiement par transfert bancaire, voici un résumé des renseignements que vous avez demandés pour le transfert :

Nom du titulaire: Auer Witte Thiel
Montant: EUR 384,70
Objet: 31118229088

Coordonnées bancaires
RIB 30004-02471-00010538234- 66 BNP Paribas
IBAN FR76 3000 4024 7100 0105 3823 466

Avis: Reseau Baise = Arnaque

bonjour, je reviens aux nouvelles car j'ai posté un message il y a deux semaines, depuis 9 mois je me fais harcelé par ces Auer witte thiel et aujourd'hui pour la première fois, il menace de devoir faire appel au tribunal ainsi qu'a un hussier de justice dans le pays où je réside (France), quelqu'un à t-il reçu de telle menaces ? cordialement